Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Marciel, 1 Beelzebub, 0

It is 3:30 pm and I have already accomplished the goals I set for myself last night, plus some extra. I know goals like "making a Dr's appointment" doesn't sound like much but I have to acknowledge it. Today I did the following:

Wake up time:
1:33ppm (thanks to a call from my friend, Lena! If she didn't call, I would probably still be in bed)

Made the following appointments:

  • Oil change -tomorrow at 2:00 pm (I am so excited about this because the auto shop is actually going to drop me off at work -I have to be there at 3:00pm- and when they are done with my car they will bring it to to me at work! Whoo fucking hoo!)
  • Dentist AND Psychologist- Thursday at 11:00 am and 12:45pm. (This is a big deal, my first psychologist appointment in over 3 years!)
  • Family Doctor- Friday at 10:00am. (Establishing a primary care physician and getting a general check up)


  • Called grandma, had thoughtful, heartfelt talk.
  • vacuumed
  • called apartment management about having no heat (I can see my breath late at night as I wrap myself into my electric blanket)
  • put away books that have been sitting in a box since I moved in December
I have yet to shower, but it is so cold I fear that moment of stepping out of the shower and forming icicles on my boobs. Right now I am watching the monstrosity that is Rachel Ray. Sweet Jesus, what a train wreck. I know there has to be several, if not hundreds, of blogs out there devoted to picking this woman a part. Watching her is like blogging gold. You could literally quote just about everything the woman says and then comment on it in some snarky manner. I won't get too deeply involved in the drama, but one thing that stood out was this quote "Can a girlfriend get a high five?" Now, I love high fiving but that is just WAY out of line. Oh, and is Ms. Ray a chain-smoker when the cameras stop rolling? Today's guest was American Idol's, Katherine McPhee. She is a recovering bulimic that overcame her fear of food and Rachel so kindly had her involved in the food making segment of the show. At least she didn't pull out the 13" long dildo, I imagine Rachel has hidden in her back pocket for her naughty guests, and start drilling the songstress. Am I the only one that imagines that? Mark my words, this will happen someday. And if it's not a dildo, it will be her fist. Rachel Ray, you haunt my dreams.
Speaking of dreams, or nightmares. I had a fucked up dream about my ex-husband last night. Since we split up in the fall of '05 (after a whole year of marriage- Damn you, Britney Spears, for holding out a year longer than me!) I have had nightmares about him on and off. And it really sucks. There is nothing enjoyable having your ex husband, his current fiance/maybe new wife, and your ex inlaws haunt your subconscious in your slumber. I do not remember much of the dream but I do remember trying to gather up all my stuff and put it in my car, then ex-husband and current fiance/possible wife were working at this sub sand which shop I used to work at in high school and I think I hosed them both down with water and ran to my car and drove off. You would think I would do something more bad ass in my dreams like, maybe take them both out kung fu style or rip out their genitals. But no, apparently I am Bozo the Clown in my dreams. Maybe next time I'll smash a cream pie in their faces.
This is one of the many reasons why that therapy appointment on Thursday is necessary.
Now I must go and create icicle boobs and scavenge for food. Can a girlfriend get a high five?

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